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Taj AAC Blocks

Thermal Insulation Property of AAC Blocks

Thermal Insulation Property of AAC Blocks

Among the many attributes of the aerated bricks, the thermal insulation property of AAC Blocks is one of them. And without a doubt, AAC Blocks play a significant role in modern-day construction activities with their commendable characteristics. More than that their lightweight nature and cost-effective transportation makes it every builder’s preferred construction material. 

Let’s have a look at the thermal insulation property of Autoclaved Aerated Blocks. 

The thermal insulation property of AAC blocks has a direct impact on the amount of energy used for heating and cooling as well as the ability to regulate room temperature. Compared to traditional blocks, AAC blocks provide a lot of advantages in varied ways maintaining a pleasing temperature. 

Manufactured out of lime, water, cement, gypsum, and fly ash, they are adapted into heat-resistant material. As a consequence to that, installing AAC Bricks contributes in reducing the heat and, as a result, the electricity bills too.  

AAC blocks are appropriate for usage in places with extreme temperatures due to their increased thermal efficiency, which removes the need for different building and insulation materials. In comparison to regular red bricks, which have a thermal conductivity of 0.81 W/m-k, AAC blocks have a thermal conductivity of roughly 0.24 W/m-k (for 551-650 kg/m3). It saves on electricity bills and conserves the nation’s fuel and environment due to operational loads. 

The most essential factor impacting thermal insulation capability is the material’s unit weight. Because the material’s unit weight is lower, the coefficient of thermal conductivity is lesser, resulting in superior heat insulation. To put it another way, lighter materials have superior heat insulation properties. Furthermore, the volume of pores and their distribution influence the thermal insulation of AAC wall systems. Better insulation is achieved with finer pores. 

When compared to other typical masonry materials, the use of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks for heating and cooling in residential structures provides for energy savings of up to 35-60%. 


Because of their superior heat conductivity, we can conclude that AAC blocks are extremely useful to buildings and their owners. It stands as an ideal choice for any construction project due to its unique characteristics. 

About Taj AAC Blocks 

TNE AAC Private Ltd. is one of the most important mercantile companies in the North Eastern Region. The company provides superior quality AAC blocks under the name Taj AAC Blocks. In addition, the manufacturing facilities of the company have been developed in Changsari and Kamrup (local).

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